Once you have intercourse with your partner then you know the early signs of a healthy pregnancy, pregnancy is the most eagerly awaited. Married couples will be happier when the wife learned that she had conceived a child. Many methods you can do yourself to determine early pregnancy a wife and you can also test with Test Pack and there will be seen whether positive or not.
Early pregnancy is a little confusing for many people, for it is here to be discussed early signs of pregnancy:
Early pregnancy is a little confusing for many people, for it is here to be discussed early signs of pregnancy:
- Breasts enlarged ends. These signs can be seen if the tip of the breast will be evening to the touch, and the color of the breast will become darker.
- Felt nauseated. This usually happens in every woman and the nausea is due to an increase in hormones in the blood.
- Frequent urination. Many pregnant women find that they become more frequent trips to urinate than usual. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this is caused by the enlarging uterus pushing on your bladder.
- Unusual headache. These signs also indicate that you will get a mild headache, the early days of pregnancy, headaches may be caused by increased blood circulation caused by an increase in hormones.
- Excessive feel tired fast. Excessive fatigue will make you fall asleep fast. This is because of changes in the hormone progesterone which slows down the metabolic processes in the body and also as a result of the performance of the vital organs to assist the development and growth of the fetus. This fatigue is usually only in the first trimester and will be lost during the second trimester.
- Changes in behavior. Such behavior often get angry at the husband who usually does not like that it is caused by the emergence of new hormones in the body and it will take effect at the time of pregnancy.
- Blood flecks or pain in the abdomen. Some women experience slight spotting or bleeding during early pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. Such bleeding usually occurs earlier, fewer and lighter color than usual blood came out at the time of menstruation, and the only briefly. Many women also experience cramping very early in pregnancy when the uterus begins to enlarge. The pain is exactly like the pain during menstruation.
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