How to cope with body odor, body odor can be caused by several things such as excessive perspiration so that the bacteria will grow and settle in the body. Body odor does not only occur in men but also in women, body odor levels are higher in men than in women this was due to higher testosterone levels from those of women.
Some tips you can do to cope with body odor that happens to you and also you can practice in your home:
Some tips you can do to cope with body odor that happens to you and also you can practice in your home:
- Eliminating Body Odor With With Lime, the benefits are very much lime in addition to cleaning the skin can also deodorize your body, how to use and add a squeeze of lime with whiting then apply on your armpits.
- Bath after exercise regularly wash your body with a towel or dryer and body shower using soap that could eliminate your body odor. With bath regularly to maintain personal hygiene and protect the skin from infection and disease.
- Use cucumber, how its use is sliced or diced cucumber and applay on your armpits. Cucumber fruit contains antioxidants that can kill bacteria and prevent the formation of body odor.
- Keep your clothes, in certain circumstances sometimes easy fabric absorbs odors and do not wear clothing that sweating. So keep clothes in place and there scented air circulation.
- Avoid consuming too much garlic, too much eating onions can make bad breath is unpleasant and can also lead to excessive body odor caused by consuming garlic.
- Another way you can do is mix a little baking soda into your bath water. Rinse your body with this herb, especially in the armpit. Then wipe with a clean towel. Baking soda can also be used after spraying deodorant.
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