Face is one of the most precious crown and became the center of close attention if someone sees us, there are many facial black spots will be extremely disturbing appearance, for it should keep your facial skin to avoid black spots. Some of the causes that may make your skin there are black spots such as use of cosmetics that do not comply with the conditions of the skin or because of influence of drugs that stimulate hyperpigmentation, other causes are due to sun exposure it can make your skin black spots.
Here below is how you can do to remove black spots on the face naturally:
- Remove the black spots with avocado, take 1 seed after it crushed avocado and apply to all parts of your face.
- Remove the black spots with jimaca. Use the benefits contained in the jicama. With the content of jicama can also remove black spots on face. With the use of a mask and do it regularly jicama, black spots can also be removed by using Aloe Vera, how its use is grab some aloe vera and remove the water contained in the aloe vera and rub on your face and allow about 10 minutes, then you wipe it off with using clean water.
- Use Fish Oil. Fish oil can we use to remove the black stain on the face, the way he skewers 1 egg with a needle fish oil after oil rub out the stain that is on the face of the way in massage-massage for seep into doing this 2 times a day so that the most .
- Cinnamon. The content contained in cinnamon is beneficial to health, how its use is taking cinnamon powder and add honey and mix well made mask wait up to 30 minutes then rinse with warm water, do this 3 times a week.
- Watermelon. Besides good to eat watermelon fruit is also good for your health, this juice also we can make face masks that black stain on the face can be lost, do 2 weeks.
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