
How to overcome feeding difficulties in children

Many young children find it difficult to eat, it would be very burdensome task by parents in providing food intake if the child is difficult to eat. Much has been done by the parents to be given to the nutritional intake of children can be met, as well as consulting to a specialist in midwifery. All this is a result of the child's appetite decreases.
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This could influence appetite ranging from mild (decreased appetite) to severe (no appetite). Display a mild appetite disorders such as milk bottles often rest, time to drink milk is reduced (previously 20 minutes to 10 minutes), eat only little or issue, spouts food or hold food in the mouth for too long. While the disorder is more severe visible child shut his mouth, brushed bribes parents or do not want to eat and drink at all. Appetite disorders in people with autism often caused by gastrointestinal disorders such as food allergy, food intolerance, gluten intolerance and etc. Major disruptions gastrointestinal disorders in people with autism be permeabilitias gastrointestinal disorder that is often called leaky gut.

In addition, there are several factors causing a child difficulty eating due to physical factors and psychological factors. Physical factors include the presence of disorder in the digestive organs and the presence of infection in the child's body. While psychological factors include psychological disorders in children, such as the condition of the troubled household, less pleasant dining atmosphere, never eat with their parents, and children are forced to eat foods that are not favored.

Disruption process in the mouth, eating process occurred from entering eating mouth, chew and swallow. Skills and gross motor coordination skills movement around the mouth is very instrumental in the feeding process. Morik movement is a movement coordination biting, chewing and swallowing is done by the muscles in the upper and lower jaw, lips, tongue and many other muscles around the mouth. Process of eating disorders in the mouth is often a nuisance to chew food.
Clinical appearance is impaired chewing roughage delay could not eat rice team at the age of 9 months, can not eat rice at 1 year of age, can not eat beef (jerked) or fibrous vegetables such as kale. If the child is vomiting and will look rice spills are formed that are still intact. This suggests that the process of chewing the rice is not perfect. But the ability to eat hard foods such as crackers or biscuits are not bothered, as it only requires some chaw. The oral motor coordination disorder also effect events themselves bitten lip or tongue by accident.

Psychological disorders, attention disorders negatifisme attitude, uncertainties or other feelings on the part of the child, the child's fussy habits used in an attempt to get the very she wanted, being attracted to games or things host of others, imitating the old eating patterns or relative reaction spoiled children. Psychological aspects of family relationships, both between the child and parents, the father and mother or other family member of the relationship between physiological condition can affect children. The attitude of the parents in relation to children is crucial to the occurrence of psychological disorders that can lead to eating disorders, a grumpy old man, continuous stress and tension, lack of affection both quality and quantity, lack of meaning and understanding of the psychological condition of the elderly to children

Tips to overcome feeding difficulties in children :
1. Indulge will be in choosing her favorite food, food that favored tools involve children because it would draw attention or passion for eating
2. Give praise when children can spend their food, and use this opportunity to clarify the language easily understood by the child.
3. For parents who have a job for himself to give food to baby heart.
4. When feeding endeavor to provide or fairy tales that children be happy or be invited to play.
Tag : Health
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