
Food Intolerance VS Food Allergy: Which One do I Have?

This topic has been discussed many times in many health forums. Some people mistook food intolerance as a food allergy or vice versa. But what is the real differences between food intolerance VS food allergy? 

People who have food allergy may have mild to severe reactions toward a specific food. This is caused by the false reaction of immune system against a specific protein contained in that specific food. The immune system think of the food as a threat, and it produce an antibody that causes allergic response. Small amount of food allergen is enough to cause a very serious problem.
Meanwhile, people with food intolerance have an easier experience because the process doesn’t involve false identification by immune system. In general, food intolerance cause a less serious effect compared to food allergy, and people with food intolerance may be able to eat a small amount of intolerable food.
The most common reaction of food intolerance are digestive upset and headache, but it can also cause joint pain, sinusitis, and other mild to medium discomforts. Meanwhile, food allergy reaction may vary from mild to serious reaction. Sometimes when you’re experiencing it, your skin and/or outer area may suffer. In most cases, you get hives, swelling in lips, tongue or throat. Others have digestive problem including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or cramping. You may also have breathing difficulties, When severe, it is important to bring the patient to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.
Now that we know the difference between food allergic and food intolerance, what are the common triggers? The most common allergens include cow’s milk, tree nuts, eggs, seafood, shellfish, wheat, peanuts, and soy. On the other hand, the common triggers for food intolerance are cow’s milk, eggs, nightshade plants, fructose-high foods, and gluten.
To find out whether you have allergy or food intolerance, go and consult your doctor for more information on available testing methods.
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