If you're frustrated with your efforts to lose weight, this article will get you back on a path to burning massive amounts of fat, easily and safely. Losing 5 pounds a week is typical when you adhere to the fat burning diet plan, which is based on the "eat fat lose fat" concept.
First, low fat diets don't work.
Restricted calorie and low fat diets slow the metabolism down, and this is exactly what you DON'T want if fat burning is your goal. When your body senses its being starved, your body will instinctively hold on to every fat cell it can. This is an evolutionary mechanism built into your body that reserves fat in times of famine.
You must follow these two steps...
Step 1. What foods you need to eat
The first step is critical key to burning fat...and that is eating lean protein, complex carbs and good fats. (Video at the end has specific foods you can choose). This sounds simple but if you choose only these types of foods you're half way to burning incredible amounts of fat. If you get this right you won't need to count calories, you'll actually be able to eat more food than you thought.
By the way, the good fats are the mono-saturated type like olive oil, avocado, nuts and coconut oil. Saturated fats like butter are fine as well. You'll find eating lots of these fats won't make you gain weight, believe or not. Hence the phrase "eat fat lose fat"
Step 2. What foods you need to eliminate
The second half of the critical key is to eliminate all the foods that make you store fat.
Number one on the list is sugar. Avoid refined sugar totally. Next you need to cut out all SIMPLE carbs like white bread, white pasta, cakes, cookies etc... I'm not saying ALL carbs...just the simple carbs that spike your blood sugar and cause you to store fat like a squirrel storing nuts.
What you can expect from the Fat Burn Diet
If you do step 1 and 2 you'll find your appetite will be totally under control, because this regimen keeps your blood sugar perfectly stable. You won't be craving sweets and junk food and your body will also be burning fat for fuel rather than carbs.
This diet is the best way to burn fat off your belly without supplements or diet pills.