
Sinus Infection, Ear Ache, Fluid In The Ear And Other Ear Problems - Nurse's Guide


Sometimes people don't realize the problems they're having with one or more of their ears could be related to their sinuses or even a full-blown sinus infection. Often one doesn't know they even have an ear problem until they get an ear ache or a visit to their doctor indicates an ear involvement.

If you're having any kind of problem with your ears, such as an ear ache, ear twinges, ear pain, ear noises, etc., it might be a good idea to pay a visit to your doctor and have him or her use an otoscope to look into your ears to look at the external auditory canal. It doesn't hurt. It should be done routinely any time you're having a physical examination or are seeing the doctor for a cold or flu issues. If you're prone to sinus problems make sure to have your ears checked every time you go in. The otoscope is on the wall and they can quickly pull it down and look in your ear in minutes.

Oftentimes they'll find there is swelling behind the eardrum. This is common. But you will want to do something about it as soon as possible. Prolonged swelling may lead to hearing difficulties.

Often an ear infection can be caused by a sinus infection. The ears are connected to the back of the nose by the Eustachian tubes. They keep the pressure between the ear and the nose equal. They keep the pressure in the ear the same as it is in the outside world. This pressure is constantly changing also.

As people get older the angle in the tubes changes so the tube drains into the nasopharynx. If it gets inflamed then the ears can feel clogged as the Eustachian tubes become swollen. So an ear infection with fluid buildup can happen in the middle ear. This can lead to hearing loss, pain and pressure so it's important to pay attention to any ear problems you might have.

Ear infections caused by sinus fluid buildup are best handled by treating the sinus infection first. This is often enough to stop the fluid retention and buildup and thus preventing any serious ear problems or hearing loss.

Always have your ears checked when you're seeing your doctor for sinus issues. Your ear infections may continue if you do not treat your beginning, acute or chronic sinus infection or any type of sinus problem. Start home treatment for your sinuses right away to get relief and stop any permanent damage that might occur.

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