How to get skinny is probably the most frequent question I get from clients in my weight-loss programs. It's a challenge that every woman who has struggled with her body has faced at some point in her life. The truth is that there are millions of Asian women around the globe who have skinny and lean bodies year-round...even just after giving birth!
Today you're going to learn how to get skinny the natural Asian way, by using some easy-to-remember tips that Asian women use to drop extra pounds off quickly that you can add to your everyday routine.
How To Get Skinny - Fast And Easy Natural Solutions
For my new weight-loss clients I first begin with teaching them some fundamental basics about long-term permanent weight loss. Simple things that anyone can do right from day one to jumpstart their fat-burning potential. And while you're not going to learn every Asian secret about weight-loss from a single short article, you CAN pick up a few tips that will get you on the road to your ideal body:
1. A Smaller Plate = A Smaller Belly - If you ever travel to Asia one of the first things you'll notice is that the bowls and plates that families use are much smaller than the typical American size. This is important for a reason that isn't hard to understand: You eat less food if your plate can't hold more!
Try "shrinking" your dishes when you're trying to stay focused while losing weight, particularly for dinner, you'll find that it's one of the most simple things you can do to answer your question of how to get skinny fast.
2. Water isn't just found in a glass - Certain vegetables hold two advantages over regular foods, first of which of course is their superior nutrient profile, which helps our bodies stay healthy and functioning well. But for certain veggies like zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, and kale, there's a second big advantage for those trying to figure out how to get skinny: They're water-dense.
Water-dense vegetables will fill you up (and keep you full) much longer than other options, try to include them as a side-dish with main meals.
3. Cut the fruit juice and switch to REAL fruit - There's an amazing thing that happens when we drink fruit juice from the typical store. Our insulin level skyrockets due to all the refined sugar in the drink, which makes it nearly impossible for another 4-6 hours to burn any fat...even if your diet is flawless.
Avoid this trap by only drink actual fruit juice that you personally squeezed. If that's too much work, no problem, eat an actual piece of fruit instead...and enjoy the fiber within it that keeps you from being hungry. Always choose real fruit over anything processed, it will bring you closer to the answer to "how to get skinny" much faster.
4. No "Las Vegas drinks" when out to dinner - When you're eating out, don't be tempted to order a bottle of white wine, a large 16oz fruity cocktail, or any other big size drink that may contain alcohol or processed sugars. The answer in this area of how to get skinny comes in the form of ordering your wine by the glass instead, and sticking to cocktails that are less than 6 ounces in volume. You can ask the waiter for an example of the glass size if you're unsure.
Often we overindulge on drinks and alcohol at dinner when eating out, and it not only inflates the bill it inflates our thighs! Stick to healthy water, tea, or other natural liquids when eating out and minimize the damage.
These basic tips can go a lot further than you may think on the road to getting skinny fast, if you make them a habit and practice each of them daily it wouldn't surprise me to see you drop 10 or 15 pounds within a month or so. They're that powerful in keeping you from the body you desire.
What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?
If today's tips don't help you trim down your tummy fat or love handles for good, you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs quickly...without starving or doing insane workouts.