Often times a Systemic Yeast Infection can have minor symptoms, and because of this they are dismissed as nothing to concerned about. However, once the yeast enters the bloodstream, the Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms rapidly become very damaging and even life threatening. Your immune system ordinarily contains a healthy amount of yeast in small amounts, and this yeast is helpful to the body instead of causing problems.
The body also has various microorganisms that function to keep yeast growth limited so that an actual infection doesn't occur.
On-going stress attacks, unhealthy food, normal pregnancy changes, immune system deficiency diseases, antibiotic medications and other disease may destroy the tiny microorganisms and thereby allow the Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms to rage.
Symptoms can vary from each individual, but here a few of the most common ones:
1. A regular feeling of tiredness and general malaise.
Someone who is going through a Systemic Yeast Infection will be tired all the time, has dizzy spells, suffers from headaches, muscle aches, and could even begin to experience certain sensory disturbances.
2. Unusual or sudden sensitivity to chemicals or new food allergies.
They can develop certain sensitivities to food or other things that haven't bothered them in the past.
3. Gastrointestinal tract disturbances.
Often times Symptoms may be the cause of GI irregularities. Also, food allergies, flatulence, (IBD) inflammatory bowel disease, rectal itching, constipation, and diarrhea which may seem to be the oncoming GI issues may really be the Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms.
You can even have a thrush infection to occur, which is a Yeast Infection that develops in the mouth or throat.
4. Genital problems or urinary tract problems.
Some others will have a seemingly continuous bout with Vaginal Yeast Infections, while the fact is they actually are dealing with Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms, and either don't realize it or never have it treated properly.
5. Sudden formation of skin rashes or hives.
You could even be having a case of hives, and not have a clue where they came from.
6. Suddenly feeling irritable or mildly depressed.
Some symptoms such as lowered attention span, memory loss, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating or focusing, being in a "fog" or mental confusion that may also be classified as symptoms.
7. Problems with the autoimmune system.
It is possible that a person with an autoimmune disorder to find that the symptoms of their condition have gotten worse.
Some autoimmune disorders that typically become worse from a Systemic Yeast Infection are sarcoidosis, scleroderma, myasthenia gravis, arthritis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, or systemic lupus erythematosus.
Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms seem to be more of a problem when a patient suffers from higher stress levels and a continually unhealthy diet.
Yeast flourish on a body that is fed with sugar, refined starch, and chemical additives. These chemicals, starches and sugars are also readily present in bread, cookies, chips and other junk foods which are a large part of many peoples diets. When someone is under a lot of stress, the microorganisms in the body that are in charge of the yeast begin to die off.
What this translates to for you is that a terrible diet of sugary foods mixed with a stress level that's too high means the ideal living condition for yeast. Since this yeast is going to have the perfect conditions to thrive, a Systemic Infection could be on the horizon.
Anytime you believe you may have Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms, you need to talk to your doctor about what tests need to be run to determine what your body's level of Yeast organism is.