
How to Cope with Hair Loss for Men and Women

Strong hair is a dream for everyone, many people try various ways including the use of Washer or shampoo anti hair loss has been sold with a wide range of products, so how to cope with hair loss. Previously we had to know what was the cause of the hair loss, hair loss due to hormonal changes. Changes or hormonal imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth, stop using birth control pills, menopause or overly active or less active thyroid gland, Loss can also be caused by genetics, so you need to first identify what the causes of hair loss through your family and ask if this happened to your family. Other causes are due to stress, stress can also cause your hair loss. Load mind greatly affects the health and strength of your hair malfunctioning of the hormone is in your hair, so make yourself free from stress or severe thought. Lack of calories and nutrients. Usually women are on a diet or slimming the body, but there are side effects to the lack of protein, calories and nutrition hair, so the hair is so unhealthy, weak and eventually fall out, the solution is trying to consume a balanced diet and nutritious, including the resulting loss by diseases such as diabetes and lupus.

Below are some tips that you can use so that you can resolve your hair loss :
  • Regularly massage Scalp.
Substandard blood circulation in the scalp area is one of the factors that cause hair loss. Because no blood supply rough in the scalp, hair follicles do not obtain the maximum nourishments to make a strong hair. As a result the volume of your hair growth is not maximal. One of the optimal ways to increase blood flow to the scalp is massaged your scalp every day. This can be one of the cheapest and easiest way to increase blood circulation in the scalp area as well as to help the growth of your hair.

  • Perform Meditation.
One way to deal with stress is to meditate, meditate if you attack the problem of stress. Because the main cause of hair loss is stress and tension. Meditation can help reduce stress and restore hormonal balance.

  • Use Celery Leaves.
How the use of which you can practice in your home, grab a few sticks of celery in a blender and then wipe it with a beaten egg. Once all mixed, apply gently on hair while gently be massaged. Let stand for 20-30 minutes then rinse, Celery has some useful content for the hair including calcium, iron, sodium, vitamins A and B. Celery can stimulate hair growth to be more healthy, strong and shiny.

  • Take advantage of Green Tea.
How to use this green tea is grab 2 packs of green tea leaves that are brewed with warm water. Apply on the hair and massaged gently. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Green tea works to increase hair growth and prevent hair loss naturally, because it contains antioxidants useful for hair.

  • Use Garlic and Hot Oil.
You can also use garlic that has been blended and put your head and massaged slowly. Heat the natural oils, such as olive, coconut or canola. Then massage warm the oil gently into the scalp. Close the head with a shower cap and leave for one hour. Then rinse the hair thoroughly.

Get used yourself exercising regularly, Sleep / rest enough and consumption of foods with balanced nutrition.
Tag : Beauty
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