
Diet Tips: Overcoming your Food Crave

One of the hardest obstacles during our diet for a healthier body is food craving. It can be really tough and many people have failed to disobey the urge to eat unhealthy foods such as chocolates, bread or other carbohydrate sources, oily and salty foods (like junk food), or sweet stuffs like candies or ice cream.
So how does one can deal with food cravings during a diet? A recent study has found out that food cravings may have caused by the lack of micro nutrition. The craving is actually your body’s language to tell you that you need certain minerals.
Different cravings mean different minerals to take. Let’s take a closer look to each and every common food crave and how to handle it during your diet:
People who are craving for chocolate might lack magnesium; hence, instead of eating the chocolate you should eat nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit instead. Meanwhile, those who want to eat additional bread or pasta or other carbohydrate sources should eat high protein foods instead. These can be found in meat, fatty fish, nuts and beans. Usually people who crave for carbs lack nitrogen in their diet.
If you suddenly crave for oily and salty foods, you might need additional calcium and chloride silicon in your diet. Get these nutrients in fish, goat milk, nuts, seeds and cashews.
Sugary foods crave may indicated that you lack several micronutrients such as chromium, carbon, phosphorus, tryptophan, and sulfur. You can get tryptophan from raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cheese. Cabbage, cranberries and cauliflower are great sources of sulfur. Carbon can be gained from fresh fruits, while broccoli, grapes, cheese and chicken will fulfill your need of chromium. Lastly, you can eat chicken, beef, eggs, dairy, nuts, grains and fatty fish for phosphorus.
That said, you should always remember to eat in moderation. Hopefully this diet tips will help you to overcome your food craving.
Tag : Health
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