
Quitting Smoking Right Away: Positive Advices

These days, almost everyone knows how dangerous smoking can be. It is literally killing you slowly. That being said, there are still people who find it hard to stop smoking, because they are addicted to smoking (although most of them deny it).

We know that the disease that is most related to smoking is lung cancer, but that is not all of them. Here are some of the possible health problems that you might encounter if you continue to smoke:
•    Cancer
•    Cardiovascular disease (that may lead to lethal heart attack)
•    Stroke
•    Breathing problems (athsma)
•    High blood pressure
•    Impotency
•    Pregnancy problem
•    etc
That is why today we are talking about some tips on how to stop smoking. There are four steps that you can try, but the most important part of this process is your will.
First, you have to determine the reasons why you have to quit smoking, and you need to set goals or milestones. For example, the first goal is to get through one day without smoking, the second is to get through one week without smoking, etc. By completing these milestones, you will get a sense of achievement.
Second, you should look for support from people around you, such as your family, friends, and coworkers. Studies have shown that people that quit smoking with support have a higher success rate. These people may congratulate you when you finish the milestones to raise your moral and keep the motivation.
Identifying the smoking triggers may also help your progress. You should try your best to avoid them.
Lastly, you may find help from health professionals, which may give you counseling and medications. By doing so, you have a higher risk of success.
Remember, quitting smoking is hard. In fact, most people failed their first attempt to stop smoking. The most important thing is to never lose your will, stay motivated, and never give up. If you failed the first attempt, try it again. Hopefully you can quit smoking soon.
Tag : Health
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